
About me, LUCIA

Lucia, L'Ultima fetta

When I was 6 year old I wanted to be a florist, I was annoyed because my mum had called me Anna Lucia and not Cristina, and I had founded the Pink Panther club with Sara.
When I was 8 I thought that, as a grown-up, I would become a hairdresser, I cried because they forced me to study guitar and with my pocket money I bought my first pair of glittery pink pumps.
At the age of 10 I was sure that at 20 I would be a fashion designer, I spent afternoons filling the pages of my diary listening to Toto Cutugno and stamping my feet because I wanted a mountain bike.
At 13 came the certainty that I would become a famous actress; I used to go to theatre matinees with Elena, I wrote secret letters to Tom Cruise, I listened to Bryan Adams 24/7 and in my spare time I would cry on the notes of Everything I do, I do it for you.
When I was 16, nothing would keep me from the successful path that glimpsed in the field of volleyball … however I also had a Plan B: run away with the ski instructor, who seemed more interested in me than Tom Cruise was.
At 20, I had run out of options about my future, I was studying in the cold city of Feltre to get top marks and I was betting the last coins of the day at Squatters with Lin & El.
16 more years have passed since, and the passion for baking is the only thing that has remained constant over time, accompanying me in the joys and in the sorrows.
I didn’t become a hairdresser, a florist or a famous actress. I do a job that I never imagined, I like to spend the little free time I have between books on baking, flowers and preparing with Gabriele lavish dinners for our friends.

A heartfelt thanks to Gian: without your shots my recipes would remain a beautiful object without a precious frame.

My ingredients are a tant pour tant of determination, perfectionism, passion.


… and GIAN

Giannantonio Busato

 How many times the world moves us giving some astonishing moments that then vanish, leaving us in the soul an indescrivable taste. Trapping pieces of reality with a camera allows to relive the magical moments one more time.
If these moments trigger emotions of taste, pleasure is even greater. I capture emotions and give public. The photos that you will see will never be “the latest photos”, there will always be another there, ready to be taken, ready to excite you even more.”

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